Module Code
Module Title
1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
Throughout this module I have obviously learnt how to use after effects, something that I was worried about, however, it has surprised me in how much I have enjoyed it, and the learning process. Specifically I have learnt how to animate type, use the camera and also the light tool. Working with audio is also something I have learnt and improved on. I have applied this knowledge to my final idents and 60second sequences..The learning curve highlighted by the dramatic difference between the silent movies and final outcomes.
More personal skills I have learnt include: improved time management, better blogging, more consistency within my work and a more committed, effective work ethic.
With regards to this module I feel that it is the first module that I have kept my work consistent, especially with regards to pace and blogging. I am starting to work out how I work and to recognise my weaknesses. The improved issues above are where I have previously recognised as a weakness. So the biggest skill I have developed is addressing my weaknesses and changing how I work.
2. What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
A key approach to my design production with this project was deciding on something with regards to final outcome planning. Previously I have noticed that I don't commit to an idea or concept early enough to get the most out of it, however, this module has forced me to make key decisions earlier.
The use of storyboarding is something that I have developed through this project and this has helped allow me to plan my final outcome but in such a detailed way. This particular aspect was something that I really enjoyed, getting my thoughts down onto paper was really productive in not only planning my designing process but also to produce and extend on my ideas, taking them further and causing me to make more developed considerations.
I realise that blogging as research is a lot more effective, researching to actually find something out is something that has helped me with my design process, it allows me to make more informed decisions and hopefully resulting in a more effective way of working.
During this project I also got to learn how to use the laser cutter, this was something that I found interesting and useful, but sadly didn't apply it to this project, so next time I hope to design for this process and broaden my outcomes this way.
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3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
The main strength with regards to my work is the in depth analysis of target audience, recognising who would I was aiming my product at was something that became a strength. Understanding who the audience was also allowed me to consider why they'd be watching it, when and how. This lead to effective research. The research I carried was broad in terms of what I was looking at, different mediums and different extremes, but it was a lot specific because I was finding out information that was necessary and relevant for my project.
This lead to an outcome that was accurately designed for the right channel, and audience. It was something that I think worked well, each piece considered and not rushed.
Another strength in my work is the variety of options I considered, this was through extensive storyboarding, looking at both timing and composition. This was something I enjoyed, I found it particularly effective and allowed my work to become much more considered. I wasn't leaving important decisions such as layout till last minute.
I have really pushed for this project, putting in a lot more hours and trying to train myself to constantly be working, I have found working late and coming in on a Friday and Saturday something that has been effective, I hope that my outcome reflects this as I believe this is the module that has been the one where I have put everything into. Obviously, I can see weaknesses in my project. But personally, I can confidently say I have tried my hardest. I believe I have put more hours and effort into this project than any others. My commitment is something that I cannot fault.
With regards to the outcomes I believe that I have used the research effectively and been blogging constantly, trying to make every bit of time spent working, count.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
The weaknesses I have noticed is in the variety of subject matter that I was looking at. I had hoped to look at broader mediums, allowing a diversity within my research. I think this would have made my final pieces more interesting and perhaps creative. Especially if I had looked at more specific motion graphics, not only researching film4 and frightfest but a broader range of channels allowing a comparison.
More research and primary research into the top ten films may have helped, but one thing that would have really improved my work would have been to be more adventurous within after effects, playing more with vectors and information might have lead to a more interesting outcome, with more content perhaps I could have created a more interesting opening sequence.
Blogging and time management is still something that I need to improve, the effectiveness of my time and blogging has really improved, but realistically I need to be blogging more and organising my thoughts with more clarity. I am worried that my ideas and intentions do not come across clearly. I have recognised that I overcomplicate my own concepts, and am worried that I convey this through my blogging. I think that I need to have more dexterity within my work and commit to my own concepts. Aim higher earlier, then achieve them.
I realise that the concepts I choose have not really ended up saying much about me, I want to work with projects that say something about me, rather than just randomly selected items. OR perhaps recognise what the current projects say, my personal development through this project has allowed me to realise that I want to build on my own identity as a designer as I feel this is a weakness, personally.
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5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 5
Motivation - 5
Commitment - 4
Quantity of work produced - 5
Quality of work produced - 4
Contribution to the group - 5
The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.